Category Archives: Software

Inter-University Cooperation

Okay, this stems from having to spend more money than I needed to a couple of weeks ago: You would think that Ohio University located in Ohio, would possibly work with a student (me) from Kent State (also located in Ohio) in purchasing academic-license software. Did I mention I’m an alumnus of Ohio University? Oh well, it cost me $30 more at the local student bookstore that was more than willing to accept my KSU id. Maybe OU has a special deal where Microsoft that says they can’t sell to anyone that is off-campus. Maybe OU just plain doesn’t like … Continue reading

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The right to own what you buy in this digital age.

The right of first sale. You bought a software package a few years back. You came home & installed it on your computer. Now you want to buy a different software package because it is more up to date. You decided to go with a completely different software package simply because it has more bells & whistles than your original software package or maybe it’s just easier to use. Chances are, you will be able to uninstall the original software package and remove it from your computer system completely. BIG HOWEVER: you are not going to be able to re-sell … Continue reading

Posted in Libraries, Personal, Rants, Software | 1 Comment

Open Source Software

Years ago, there were several concepts when it came to software available to the computer user: commercial, shareware, and freeware. Commercial software was the kind you bought before you could use it. Shareware was the kind you could use and if you liked it, you were expected to pay for it (it used to be cheap in cost) on your honor if you continued to use it. Freeware was that kind of a software that someone wrote and simply wanted to pass it around and let others enjoy its use. At first shareware worked quite well. I myself have paid … Continue reading

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