Category Archives: Libraries

Why are public libraries so important?

Public libraries serve many purposes. In times of old, they served as the repositories of knowledge and wisdom. Today, they serve as portals to the world’s knowledge through books, magazines, video, and the internet. More than ever, libraries are under financial attack. Interestingly, when people need them the most is when their budgets are placed on the cutting blocks and chopped down. When people are out of work or face financial hardships, that is when they turn to their libraries. Libraries supply everyone with a way to search for work through the internet. Libraries give internet access to those who … Continue reading

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The right to own what you buy in this digital age.

The right of first sale. You bought a software package a few years back. You came home & installed it on your computer. Now you want to buy a different software package because it is more up to date. You decided to go with a completely different software package simply because it has more bells & whistles than your original software package or maybe it’s just easier to use. Chances are, you will be able to uninstall the original software package and remove it from your computer system completely. BIG HOWEVER: you are not going to be able to re-sell … Continue reading

Posted in Libraries, Personal, Rants, Software | 1 Comment