Category Archives: Featured

Why are public libraries so important?

Public libraries serve many purposes. In times of old, they served as the repositories of knowledge and wisdom. Today, they serve as portals to the world’s knowledge through books, magazines, video, and the internet. More than ever, libraries are under financial attack. Interestingly, when people need them the most is when their budgets are placed on the cutting blocks and chopped down. When people are out of work or face financial hardships, that is when they turn to their libraries. Libraries supply everyone with a way to search for work through the internet. Libraries give internet access to those who … Continue reading

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Why use a multi-monitor setup?

Some of my friends see my computer setup, then look at me like I’m nuts. Let me explain: I have three monitors dedicated to one computer on my desk. It may seem excessive, but for me it has become so normal, that it drives me nuts when I don’t have a minimum of two screens anywhere. I spend so much time doing school work on my computer that having the extra screens makes it useful. I usually keep my email program on my left screen. My main screen will be what I’m currently working on, and the right screen will … Continue reading

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Open Source Software

Years ago, there were several concepts when it came to software available to the computer user: commercial, shareware, and freeware. Commercial software was the kind you bought before you could use it. Shareware was the kind you could use and if you liked it, you were expected to pay for it (it used to be cheap in cost) on your honor if you continued to use it. Freeware was that kind of a software that someone wrote and simply wanted to pass it around and let others enjoy its use. At first shareware worked quite well. I myself have paid … Continue reading

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